poor unfortunate souls

So this week was a lot of stuff to do with plays. Play practice, painting play backdrops, making play costume…

Halloween itself was kinda lame. As usual. It rained allll day. I wore Garth to work though I left the wig off most of the day.

I was going to change into something else for handing out candy that night, but decided to be lazy and just stayed in Garth. Glad I did because we had exactly 3 trick-or-treaters – from one car. It would not have been worth the time and effort to get into a more complicated costume.

The girls came over and we had dinner together and played a game. So that was fun.

Saturday went over to Jean’s and got one of the backdrops for the play mostly done. 2 more to go.

Chase had inventory Saturday and Sunday so I spent most of my time at home sewing. I got a LOT done on Ursula!!

Thursday night Chase helped me tag team getting the tentacles put together. He cut out the last layer while I started getting them pinned together. Then I started sewing them together while he started stuffing them with batting.

I had gotten a wide piece of elastic to attach the tentacles too, but they ended up being a little too heavy for the elastic (it was just stretching it out), so I got a yard of webbing to replace it with.

Got the bodice pieces put together, the lining cut.

Friday night I focused on getting the pocket hoops made. Used leftover black satin and some pink ribbon from my stash, thankfully I had enough hooping on hand. I’m not going to make these a separate part — I’m sewing them directly into the dress.

Here she was as of Sunday morning:

After that, I got the lining sewn together, boning in (just 2 pieces on either side of the front panel for structure – I wish I’d done two in the back as well but I didn’t so oh well). Got the lining sewn in, skirt attached, and zipper in. All that’s left on the dress itself is getting the shoulder straps sewn on, the hoops sewn in place, and hemming the skirt.

I also ended up having to open up the tentacles, taking some of the batting out, and then sewing them to the webbing belt — then putting the batting back in. It was just way too hard to get it all thru the machine otherwise. So I’m still working on that part, but hope to have it done tonight.

Then I have a shoulder ruffle to make, and I also may make something to go under the tentacles? Or on top of the tentacles? Or on the skirt. I don’t know. I have some of that sparkle mesh stuff like I used for Tinkerbell (just in purple), and some of the black sparkle netting from the tentacles left over to play with.

Also Luna has been SUPERRRRR helpful the last few days.

She kept wanting to lay on my sewing table, and everytime I came over to sew something she’d get all offended and have to move. So then she started laying on my sewing table stool and I had to move her 3 times. So then she laid right on top of what I was working on on the floor. This is her pouting after being moved again.

Oh, hello, didn’t expect you back so soon…

Oh, I’m sorry, were you working on these?

Attack dress!

House stuff…. so far so good, signed off on repair stuff. Now it’s really just waiting on the bank… not much of an update, but we’re getting there.

More Padme concept stuff of course.

This was a TPM concept and sooooo art nouveau I loved it. I decided to go with a teal and pink colour scheme sorta like the funeral dress but less… grim I guess LOL. It ended up going a bit more blue and I couldn’t make the swirly sections work as straight up pink. But it turned out ok.

This was also TPM concept art of her battle dress. But I decided to interpret it as AOTC/Clone Wars era battle armor. It kinda reminded me of the Imperial Knight armor from Legacy. And also Utena’s armor (which I have always wanted to make). I like it.

OH! Hang on I nearly forgot to show my new pin from Utinni Bikini!

Leia Porgana!